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Investor Accreditation

Gridline products are only available to accredited US investors.

Due to SEC regulations, only accredited investors (AI) are able to invest in private funds. When registering an investor profile, you'll be required to certify the method in which you or the entity you are registering qualify as an accredited investor.

There's a few different ways qualify as an accredited investor, and you can check the current SEC requirements here

Qualified Purchaser

Additionally, any individual or entity can register as a qualified purchaser (QP) if the necessary requirements are met. These require a higher threshold of net worth/investments than what is required for an accredited investor. 

Certain Gridline products will be available only for qualified purchasers.

Updating Your Accreditation

You can update your accreditation status for each of your investor profiles under "Profiles".

Select the actions button (three dots) next to your investor profile's current qualification and select Update Qualification, then follow the prompts to select your new accreditation method and certify that the information you are providing is accurate.